English as an Additional Language/Dialect

The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Programme at Sacred Heart College was established early in 2001 and has grown over the years to become an established part of the College. Students from over thirty cultural backgrounds have found a home at Sacred Heart College.

It is the aim of the College to give EAL/D students the specific support they require to learn and build the English language skills needed to access the general curriculum, in addition to learning area–specific language structures and vocabulary. EAL/D students have the same capacity to understand the content of the Australian Curriculum as other students; however, they require support with the English language required both to access the curriculum and to demonstrate achievement. The goal of Scared Heart College is to help all of our students access the curriculum and integrate into all aspects of the life of the College.

Catholic Education Tasmania provides information for families in a range of languages to support families within Tasmanian Catholic Schools.
