Global Citizens
Starting in Kindergarten and continuing through to Year 10, Sacred Heart College students learn about the world around them and that they are part of a community. Students are encouraged to have an awareness of other cultures, to respect differences and care for the people and the environment around them.
- Beginning in Kindergarten with family and the local community, students begin to learn about history and culture both close to home and around the world.
- Programmes in place throughout both Primary and Secondary encourage students to value and to care for their surroundings, locally, nationally and on a global scale.
- Students learn about respectful relationships, consider why places are special and how we can care for them, look at similarities and differences, how people celebrate or the struggles they may face, learn to empathise and to value all people and cultures.
- Through service and outreach activities throughout each school year, students have many opportunities to consider the words of Mary MacKillop and to do something to help those in need.
- Students are encouraged to consider different point of view and have opportunities to experience different cultures and languages and to visit unique communities.