
There are many opportunities throughout the school year for new families and students to visit our campus and learn more about our College. Current students are also supported through the transition between year levels with introductory sessions and orientation events.

For younger students, the College's B4@SHC and the Pre-Kinder Programme provides families with an early opportunity to learn more about our College and to get to know others in our College Community.

Transition from Primary to Secondary begins in Years 5 and 6 with students from SHC and local Catholic primary schools regularly invited to spend time on the Secondary Campus, experiencing a variety of secondary subjects and becoming familiar with our College.

Year 7 students are welcomed to the Secondary Campus with a series of orientation events and support from Tutor Teachers, the Year Group Co-ordinator, College Staff and Student Peer Support Leaders. Year 7 Camp takes place early in Term 1, providing students and staff with an opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed environment.

Sacred Heart College students are guaranteed a place at Guilford Young College (GYC) where students can continue their Catholic education for Years 11 and 12. GYC subject counsellors meet with Year 10 students to discuss the subject choices and to facilitate the enrolment process.