
The College uniform is valued as a means of developing a sense of pride and dignity and of belonging to our community. It is an expectation of the College that students wear the official uniform and present a neat and well groomed appearance at all times.
  • Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 wear sports uniform each day.
  • Students from Year 3 to Year 10 require both formal uniform and sports uniform.
  • For Years 3 to 10 students wear the formal summer uniform during Term 1 and Term 4 and the formal winter uniform during Term 2 and Term 3.
  • Full details are listed under Uniform Requirements below.

The Sacred Heart College uniform is available from the Uniform Centre which is located across the road from the main campus on Harding St, New Town, opposite the Clare St Oval. The Uniform Centre is managed by Permapleat.

Contact Information:

Uniform Centre Opening Hours during term time:

  • Tuesdays (8.00am - 1.00pm)
  • Wednesdays (12.00pm - 4.00pm)
  • Thursdays (1.00pm - 6.00pm)

All details of College Uniform Expectations are listed below, in the College Handbooks, Student Diaries and on Josie.  

Items can be ordered online and delivered to the Primary or Secondary Office for collection.  

Secondhand Uniform - Purchase and sale of secondhand uniform items is completed through a Facebook group, search for Sacred Heart College Uniform Buy and Sell. Please answer the membership questions to ensure your request can be approved.